Controlled blasting activities are used extensively. In urban areas to create underground parking garages, or bedrock foundations, in cross urban areas during road and bridge construction and in more rural areas where quarries and mining operations are found. Regardless the area blasting explosives create strong vibrations that can potentially damage nearby homes, buildings, sewer lines and other structures. Blasting can also cause air overpressure which produces a force of air. This force of air can set off car alarms and damage windows. Even when these activities are performed under best-case scenarios, they can cause concern to neighboring buildings and homeowners.
Understandably, when china cabinets rattle or car alarms go off, people are often led to believe that their property is being damaged by the nearby construction activity. This can lead to formal complaints which can result in project suspensions and even fines. Noise levels can also be a health and safety concern for your workers.